Monday, October 10, 2016

Memory and Response

Memory Drawing

Title: Spanish Pipedream
 Medium: toned paper with pen, ink, chalk pastel, charcoal, pressed flowers, and dried oil paint
Size: 19" x 25"


Artist Statement
I went back into this drawing and clarified some of the important details of my childhood home that were in my original blind contour. I also added larger images to balance out the smallness of the blind contour based imagery. I liked using the black pen and then highlighting with the white pen and wax on the toned paper. 

Response Drawing

Original Response
Medium: toned paper and pen
Size: 19" x 25"

Second Response
Title: Wanton Tree
Medium: paper with chalk pastel, oil pastel, hot glue, wax, herbs, and coffee grounds
Size: 18" x 24"


Artist Statement
My original response from the story was very literal and busy, like the Memory drawing was. I thought an abandoned dead tree stump was a more simplified solution to the overall theme of the story. I liked layering the oil pastel and the chalk pastel, and using the mixed media to create drops of dew and mossy areas.   

Monday, October 3, 2016